Saturday, November 15, 2008


Wow! I think I really need some time to catch up with all these new gadgets of technology. It feel like I don't even have enough time to really 'play' around with one, then another is being 'pop' up...

"Twitter" ~ Frankly speaking, I never heard this term before. After going through a bit of reading, now I know that it is actually a type of micro-blogging... "Micro-blogging"???? Why do we need that? Doesn't we have enough with 'blogging'? To tell you the truth, I really do not know the answer... From what I have read, I know that we can actually share more personal things with certain groups of people that we would like to... And the main point they stressed here is that the maximum character of words are limit to 140, with the micro-blogger answering the question "what are you doing now?" As far as I'm concern, doesn't this mean that we have to be "online" for us to use this "gadget"? (twitter,... I mean). And of course I know that we can divert it to the cell phone,... but then again charges are necessary! I just wonder what is the different between "sms" and 'twitter'? How about "msn messenger", "yahoo messenger" and "skype"? Doesn't all these have quite similar functionality? I wonder...

I do not know what will be the future of the information technology this world will be, but as for me (I'm living in Malaysia), the environment where I'm living now does not allow me to "freely" access to the internet using my cell phone. Although I know recently that Klang Valley does has it own public Wifi, (I do not know how many of you have tried it before, but as far as I'm concern the signal strength is quite low with inconsistence transmission), I still do not think that "twitter" will be a convenience gadget for me to play with in this situation...

After all those "not so good things" about micro-blogging, of course I do know and understand the value of it's existence. Nothing that we all know, came without our thinking of it first, and this make me realize that it is most probably someone, somewhere out there who has been a great fan for "micro-blogging" has materialized it into what we have it now... I might not be able to fully understand the power and usage of micro-blogging now,... but it doesn't mean that I will not be in the future!

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